Gordon Shoemaker Foxwood is a renowned director, producer, and screenwriter from the United States, celebrated for his work in directing the Broadway production "Wild Eyed...
Adil El Arbi is a renowned director and screenwriter from Belgium, celebrated for his dynamic storytelling, innovative direction, and versatility across different genres. Collaborating with...
Bilall Fallah is a renowned director and screenwriter from Belgium, celebrated for his dynamic storytelling and innovative direction. PERSONAL INFORMATION Born on January 4, 1986,...
Sam Taylor-Johnson, a celebrated director, editor, and screenwriter from England, gained prominence with her directorial debut in "Nowhere Boy," a film delving into the intricacies...
Brad Smith is a multifaceted talent, known as a Director, Editor, Producer, Filmmaker, and Screenwriter from Sicily, Italy. He gained popularity for his work on...
Luca Guadagnino is a renowned Director and Producer from Sicily, Italy. He gained popularity for his direction of the Broadway production "Atropia". Known for his...
T.C. Christensen is a renowned Director, Producer, and Filmmaker from the United States. He gained popularity for directing the movie "Joseph Smith: The Prophet of...
Gregg Golding is a renowned Director, Filmmaker, and Screenwriter from the United States, best known for directing the movie "Cosplay Fetish Battle Drones." His films...
Apinderdeep Singh is an Indian actor, model, and assistant director. In 2022, he portrayed the character Sukhi in the Netflix original film 'Jogi,' alongside Diljit...