Sam Taylor-Johnson, a celebrated director, editor, and screenwriter from England, gained prominence with her directorial debut in "Nowhere Boy," a film delving into the intricacies...
Brad Smith is a multifaceted talent, known as a Director, Editor, Producer, Filmmaker, and Screenwriter from Sicily, Italy. He gained popularity for his work on...
Irving Franco, a renowned Director, Editor, Producer, Filmmaker, and Screenwriter hailing from the United States, has made a significant mark in the film industry with...
Denis Villeneuve, a renowned Director, Editor, Producer, Filmmaker, and Screenwriter from Canada, has carved a prominent place in the world of cinema. He gained recognition...
Reinaldo Marcus Green, a versatile director, editor, producer, filmmaker, and screenwriter, hails from New York, The United States. PERSONAL INFORMATION Born on December 16, 1981,...
David F. Carr is a versatile and inventive writer, editor, speaker, and digital consultant with extensive experience in various roles across multiple organizations. Here's a...
Umesh Prasad is a multifaceted individual who has excelled in various fields, including journalism, dental surgery, writing, editing, and scientific communication. PERSONAL INFORMATION Umesh Prasad...
Atul Singh is the founder, CEO, and Editor-in-Chief of Fair Observer. PERSONAL INFORMATION The names of his father and mother remain unknown. There is no...