Dr. M. Z. Kurian

Dr. M. Z. Kurian

Dr. M. Z. Kurian holds the position of Registrar in Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education.


Dr. M. Z. Kurian’s place of birth is India, but there is no available information about his family, caste, religion, hobbies, or zodiac sign.


He holds the following qualifications: M. Tech, Ph. D., FIE, MISTE, MIEE.


His international engagements include:

  • A visit to the University of Louisiana State University, USA in 2005.
  • Chairing technical sessions at international conferences in Phuket, Thailand.
  • A visit to Dubai in 2012, where he chaired a session on “Industry and Innovation” during the International Conference on Technology and Business Management on March 26, 2012.
  • A trip to Singapore and Malaysia in January 2017 for a paper presentation.
  • A visit to Sri Lanka to explore international tie-ups.
  • A visit to Seoul, South Korea, to attend an international conference


Dr. M.Z. Kurian’s journey at Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumkur, Karnataka, an off-campus institution of Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, is as follows:

  • He commenced as a Lecturer in the Faculty of Electronics & Communication Engineering in 1983.
    Progressing through the ranks, he became an Assistant Professor in 1988, subsequently assuming the role of Head of the Department in 1992.
  • Recognized for his seniority and expertise, he was promoted to the position of Professor in 1996.
    His contributions extended to administrative roles, as he took on the responsibilities of Registrar (Academic) from 2007 and also served as Dean (Academic) in an additional capacity from 2008.
  • In 2005, he served as the Coordinator for the PG Programme, and since 2006, he has been coordinating the M.Tech Part-Time program (QIP of VTU).
  • Dr. M.Z. Kurian’s leadership has been instrumental in guiding the college toward academic excellence.

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