Vea Jain

Vea Jain

Vea Jain is the company’s co-founder.


Every adolescent wants to learn new skills and earn money. So Funngrow is a platform that allows teenagers to earn a certain amount of money by using their skills. This platform operates in such a way that it provides jobs from companies based on specific skills, and by completing the tasks, one can gain hands-on experience while also earning money. The money is placed in a funngro card provided by the company. They have more than 40000 active users. They are registered with over 170 businesses. They are collaborating with three major types of companies: digital marketing firms, EdTech and gaming companies, and B2C companies. They have completed approximately 90 projects.


Owners demanded 50 lakhs for 1.25% ownership of the company.
Each company pays a 10% commission. They have a monthly expenditure of 2.5 lakh rupees and a monthly revenue of 1.5 lakh rupees. The average project cost around Rs. 2000. They have raised a CCD of Rs. 25 lakhs.
Namita and Amit offer 25 lakh rupees in exchange for 10% equity and 25 lakh rupees in debt at 12% interest.
Namita and Amit revised their offer to 50 lakhs in exchange for 4.16% of the company’s equity.
Amit and Namita agreed to a 50 lakh rupee deal in exchange for 4.16% equity.

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