Kelley Wolf

Kelley Wolf

Kelley Wolf is a globally acclaimed certified life coach, author, public speaker, and thought leader.


Kelley grew raised in the picturesque hills of Northwest Arkansas as the daughter of a well-traveled archaeologist.


Kelly attended Cambridge High School in England. Kelley pursued a degree in Broadcast Journalism after high school until she was given the opportunity to appear on television.


Kelly’s unique discovery and integration of her trademarked idea of FLOW – Finding Love Over Worry(TM) has resulted in her highly anticipated debut book, FLOW: Finding Love Over Worry: A Recipe for Living Joyfully, which breaks down the framework of the self-developmental process. She was cast in the revolutionary MTV series The Real World: New Orleans and later won the Real World/Road Rules Challenge, which led her to New York City, where she met her husband, actor Scott Wolf. Kelley was fortunate to discover a fellow explorer in Scott, since the couple has moved more than 20 times to different locations during their 17-year marriage.
After relocating from Los Angeles to Park City, Utah, in 2007, she sought a B.S. in Clinical Psychology from Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah, to satisfy her innate interest about the human condition. After graduation, she knew she wanted to work in the expanding field of personal development counselling. Kelley believed her abilities as a coach were superior to those of a therapist, so she enrolled in Martha Beck’s programme and became a qualified life coach. Kelley rose to prominence as a life coach in the decade that followed. Her clientele includes high-profile clients such as Fortune 100 CEOs and C-level executives, as well as small company owners, stay-at-home moms, and nonprofits, among others, who were looking for serenity in their lives.
Kelley switched her attention to a process typically referred to by people as their “flow state” after five years of coaching expertise. Kelley noticed a pattern emerge as she began recording people’s references to “being in flow.” When someone chose love over worry or fear, they entered the condition of ‘flow.’ Her theory tended to hold true especially when people focused on their interests such as surfing, cooking, or painting. The circumstances didn’t matter as long as the mind chose to follow love as a guide rather than fear as a motive.
Kelley quickly began to implement this FLOW practise into her own life and was shocked to discover that it provided healing for her postpartum sadness as well as for dealing with her diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, sometimes known as EDS. She spent the next five years of her career teaching, cultivating, and researching FLOW as a scalable approach, which she used in her practise to assist hundreds of individuals and businesses in challenging their own beliefs and changing their behaviour patterns.
Kelley debuted her podcast, FLOW: Finding Love Over Worry, in 2020. The podcast provides strategies and conversations that investigate numerous methods and techniques for teaching the mind how to live in a state of FLOW more frequently. When correctly understood and applied, it is a strategy that anyone may adopt to minimise their pain and live more blissfully. With the publication of her first book, she hopes to continue assisting others through the use of this methodology. Kelley has devoted much of her time to charities throughout the years, alongside her husband Scott. In fact, a significant portion of the FLOW technique is spelled out in her tool, “The Circles of Service,” which is based on a notion that takes you towards the power of a service-driven existence. “All the great teachings came to the same conclusion,” Kelley says, “when we pursue a life of growth, we must also open ourselves to the power of service.” Kelley lives her practise and has been to many countries throughout the world to provide relief and compassion. Above all, Kelley has a strong connection to Africa, which motivated her to co-found The Chier Foundation in 2005.  The objective of the non-profit organisation was to provide education for Sudanese refugees known as the “Lost Boys of Sudan,” and the Foundation achieved its mission in 2015. Kelley’s charity endeavours have never stopped since. She has travelled throughout Africa (Senegal, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia, and South Africa) to assist with HIV intervention and malaria prevention efforts. Kelley has also worked with Feeding America, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation on a regular basis. Kelley feels that volunteering is significantly more powerful and straightforward than most people realise. She believes that helping an elderly neighbour with their shopping and sending soup to a sick friend is not only charitable, but also a simple method for people to do what they can to give back to others, no matter where she is in the globe.
Kelley is an advocate for the value of accessible meditation and mindfulness outside of her coaching profession. As one of the three fundamental pillars of her book, Munch, Move, Meditate, she seeks to dispel the myth that meditation is expensive, difficult, or requires training.

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