Prajwal Samrit

Prajwal Samrit

Prajwal Samrit‘s journey is deeply intertwined with the legacy of his father, Lance Naik Krishnaji Samrit, a valiant martyr in the Kargil war.


Born 45 days after the sacrifice of his father, Prajwal Samrit’s story reflects his unwavering commitment to fulfill his father’s aspirations.

Despite holding two coveted positions at the prestigious Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Prajwal chose a different path, opting to honor his father’s dreams by joining the Indian Army.

In 1999, as Lance Naik Krishnaji Samrit was on the brink of returning home to his family after a leave, fate took an unfortunate turn with the outbreak of the Kargil war. Amidst this turmoil, Krishnaji Samrit’s first son was merely 2.5 years old. Tragically, he never got the chance to hold his second son, Prajwal, in his arms, as he heroically laid down his life in service to the nation before Prajwal’s birth.

Growing up, Prajwal recognized the weight of his father’s unfulfilled dreams for his sons to follow in his footsteps and serve the country in the Indian Army. While his elder brother chose a different path in engineering, Prajwal dedicated himself to realizing his father’s vision. This determination led him to embark on the journey of preparing for the National Defence Academy (NDA) after completing his 12th board exams in 2018.

Prajwal’s perseverance was evident through seven failed attempts at the Services Selection Board (SSB) exams, where he consistently advanced in the screening rounds but faced challenges in the subsequent stages. It was his ninth attempt, guided by the advice of a neighbor and IMA teacher named Nitin Kothe, that brought about a turning point. As fate would have it, on this ninth endeavor, luck favored Prajwal, granting him not only acceptance into the Indian Military Academy but also admission offers from two prestigious IIMs – IIM Indore and IIM Kozhikode – after cracking the challenging Common Admission Test (CAT). Ultimately, Prajwal chose to honor his father’s legacy and follow his heart by pursuing a career in the Indian Army, forgoing the allure of IIM.

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