Ratna Gupta

Ratna Gupta

Ratna Gupta holds the position of Senior Director and is a member of the Management Committee at ABC Consultants Group.


Ratna Gupta was born in India, but there is limited information available about her family, zodiac sign, hobbies, and caste.


Ratna Gupta graduated with honors in Sociology from Delhi University, earned a B.Ed degree, and achieved the rank of 3rd in the university as a National scholarship recipient.


In addition to her leadership role, Ratna oversees various industry practices at ABC Consultants Group, including Technology, Outsourcing & Offshoring, Consumer Durables & Building Materials, and Metals, Minerals & Mining Services. She is highly regarded as a versatile consultant, particularly excelling in the Technology sector. At ABC, she provides strategic guidance to global MNCs and prominent Indian companies in CEO and CXO level hiring. Ratna’s wealth of knowledge and expertise contributes significantly to establishing organizations through effective hiring models. Before joining ABC, she gained experience at TMI Network in recruitment and media divisions and also had a strong background in corporate sales with Diners Cards early in her career. With over two decades of recruitment experience and a knack for sales and marketing, Ratna has been a valuable member of ABC Consultants since November 2000.

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